Ta daaaa! *insert remorseful, awkward, apologetic smile*... Here I am writing a new blog post... two months since my last one... My apologies! I could write all of my excuses, but it really only comes down to two: 1. laziness 2. I've had absolutely no inspiration to write. So, now you know that I suddenly have inspiration after a long draught.
I tried many things to spark inspiration: flat out sharing on Facebook that I needed inspiration and begged for some sort of debate (sorry- didn't get any interesting responses), trying to reach within for some sort of deep feeling that I could write about (I think I reached too far- resulting in nothing), and also pondering on recent unfortunate events... all gave me nothing. But, cue the "ta daaa" again, I'm back... with a full and loaded mind.
So... without further adue, (and, before I forget my topic or get distracted)...
Here are 12 things I learned from High School:
As the end of my long four years at Murphy High School is coming to an end, with graduation being only 9 days away, I spontaneously began reflecting on everything I went through in high school, and the lessons I came out with that made me who I am today. Therefore, I can give some valuable advice to some hesitant, frightened newbies. Although some may be harsh, some may be cliché, all are completely true.
1. You will have embarrassing moments.
Let's start out with the basics so I don't scare you off too soon. There will be times when you're completely and fully red-faced and sweaty-palmed... whether it be some intimidating seniors crowded around you and asking you random questions, or when you realize you've acted a fool with your friends and now... everybody's staring at you. Stay cool, this too shall pass.
2. No, not everybody is staring at you all the time.
Calm down, prom queen wannabe. Yes, I will admit, on the first day of my freshman year, I felt as if every person in the grades above me were staring, and more importantly, judging. My heart raced and my head ducked, being the scared, intimidated "freshie" that I was, and lacking self esteem as most... I scurried down the hallway, terrified that I would be late to my first class and- oh no, not getting to choose my seat with my friends... oh my, the horror! What if none of my friends have that class with me!?... Anyway... Chillax, homes. They'll scout you out, but they aren't gonna throw you in a garbage can (still, avoid eye contact).
3. You will drop all your books in the crowded hallway at least once.
And yes, it is as scary as movies perceive. Also, you will probably be humiliated, and begin to sweat and hear laughter from afar. But, fear not, pick up your books, get up and smile, and carry on. Unless, a cute older boy helps you pick them up... then you're just a unicorn and none of this advice should be read. Just go live your movie scene life, ok?
4. You will lose friends.
Some, if not most of your friends, will fade away and become only a classmate (if not an enemy) over time. Freshman year, you dive in head first with your "squad" of your seven best(est) friends to begin the adventure of high school together. Sorry Charlie, it'll be one squad member by senior year. Don't fret or become upset, it isn't necessarily a sad thing, just a part of growing up. High school can, and will, change people into who you never thought they'd be- in good, and in bad ways. People tend to find themselves and become who they're meant to be during the years of high school, resulting in some lost friends. Saddle up... it's a long and bumpy ride.
5. Disregard all snide remarks made about you or your friends.
There will be (insert insulting names) who will trot by on their high horses with something negative to comment about you and your friends just having fun.